Hi dusties :)It's time to tell you the cold, hard, truth - you're destined to be a pussy-less bozo-ass virgin for the REST of your life! I'm not being mean - I'm being FACTUAL. I'm not being mean - I'm being REALISTIC.Guys like you are NOT EVEN in the queue when they're handing out pussy. Guys like you will ALWAYS repulse and disgust women, for a myriad of reasons. Guys like you KNOW that you're destined to be a pussy-less, sauce-less, bitch-less loser for life - and no amount of whingeing or shizeposting will change that. Stop this delusional pursuit of pussy - and re-affirm your total and utter dedication-of-life to being My beta-virgin femdom-cuck - FOREVER. ?$urrender - $UCCUMB - $ubmit??Want Me to make more of these videos?- BINGE ??- TIP ??- COMMENT ???